
99% of molecules in the human body are water.
Our body is approximately 70% water, our brain is comprised of up to 80% water, whilst our blood and plasma is 90% water, teeth are 10-13% water, kidneys 83%… Water is the key constituent part of cells, tissue and bodily fluids.
– Leonardo da Vinci
The secret of life lies in proper cell nourishment, and the ability of cells to dispose of waste and toxins. In order to be able to receive the necessary nutrients, cells are in constant contact with water.
Water regulates metabolism, digestion, blood circulation, cell reproduction, it boosts the body’s immune system, carries information throughout the body and maintains core body temperature.
Our health and aging are directly related to the quality and quantity of water in the body.
The molecular structure of water is very important for the human body. Through constant exposure to water, cells are able to absorb the needed nutrients. The bigger the clusters of water molecules, the more difficult their task to penetrate the cell membranes. As a result, water cannot sufficiently supply the cells with the appropriate nutrients, nor can it eliminate their toxins. When the nutrients, along with water, are unable to enter the cells, the cells eventually dehydrate and perish, due to contamination with their own waste.
That affects the body, which subsequently consumes more energy to maintain its immune system and the processes involved in nutrient metabolism.
As a result, our health and our immune system, as well as our energy levels, are being compromised.
The first symptoms of deteriorating health come to light once the body loses 5% of its water content. Signs of thirst indicate that the water content in the body is not sufficient, which is very hazardous for health. Lack of water in the body leads to premature ageing and a weaker immune system, which results in various diseases. Inadequate amounts of water affect short-term memory, logical thinking and the ability to concentrate.
Over 70% of people suffer from chronic dehydration, while more than 30% have a malfunctioning thirst mechanism, with the feeling of thirst being mistaken for hunger.
Each dehydration event slows down the body’s metabolism. The smallest shortage of water causes fatigue. For that reason, water should be drunk even in the absence of thirst. Water deficiency breaks the balance of water circulation in the body, which further causes an accumulation of metabolites that may lead to intoxication or even death.
Human body is composed of different cell types that grow and divide only when necessary. Because their life span is largely limited, cell division, which generates new cells, is indispensable, as far as tissue regeneration and health preservation are concerned. For different reasons, excessive division and cell accumulation may sometimes lead to various illnesses.
The human organism is made of billions of cells that exchange information about their condition. Living water cleanses the cells. A purified cell is a healthy cell, a healthy cell creates healthy organs, healthy organs make for a healthy body. Regeneration turnover depends on the quality of water.
The qualities and anomalies of water have adapted to sustain life on Earth, but some of its characteristics are still shrouded in mystery, and await scientific explanation. Water is the only matter that is a subject of perpetual transformation while cycling through the atmosphere. This natural cycle allows water to self-cleanse.
During this process, the clusters of water molecules break into smaller clusters, the surface tension changes, and water now receives energy potential, which means it becomes “alive” (the so-called “structured” or “living” water) .
One of the greatest mysteries of water lies in its memory, which has the power to influence its molecular structure. The first person to photograph water memory was Dr. David Schweitzer, who thus proved that water is equipped with qualities of liquid frequency memory. Dr. Masaru Emoto, one of most renowned researchers today, subjected water to various external positive and negative influences, crystallized it and took pictures of it, using a special technique.
The secret of life lies in the proper care of cells and the ability of cells to dispose of waste and toxins. Water is a key and integral part of cells, tissues and body fluids. The water from the i9 bottle has more bio photonic energy.
Water is crystal, it is energy, memory, water is life! It is the most important drink of life. Without water, there would be no people, no animals, no plants. At first glance, a very boring and easy tasteless liquid crystal. Yet the secrets it hides within itself have been explored for decades and have led to remarkable discoveries about how important water is to our health and existence. Water is present throughout the universe and is the basic builder of life, without which living beings cannot survive. Life evolved in the oceans, and with evolution, part of life has adapted to life on land. Throughout the evolution of water, we have never left, we only carry it with us.
Our life and quality of living is directly dependent on the quality of the water. When we breathe, we are affected by the water present in the air. Water is an integral part of the food we eat, and the most crucial is the fluid we drink and it is the main source of our energy and existence. Water, which is present in the environment and in ourselves, affects the quality of our lives.
An adult has to drink 2 to 3 litres of water a day for the body to function normally. This means that he has to drink about 35 g of water per kilogram of body weight in one day. The amount of water we need to consume daily depends on individual to individual. It depends on physical activity, body weight, climatic conditions, culture, health status and age of the individual.
Drinking water regularly increases your concentration, resistance to various diseases. It contributes to better mental and physical condition and a healthy appearance of the skin. It helps to overcome stress and headaches.
The water that comes out of the tap and that we buy in bottles is very polluted chemically, energetically and frequently due to its unnatural path through lead, asbestos and plastic pipes and chemical processes.
Today, more or less all water sources from the atmosphere to groundwater are polluted. Water pollution is the result of technological progress by mankind.
Due to its strong molecular structure, such water is difficult to penetrate the cell membrane for which reason it does not supply the cell with necessary nutrients. It consequently affects our health, the immune system and energy we need for daily activities.
Water is polluted on the way from the source to the consumer due to various pesticides and toxins from nature, so it must be chemically treated (with chlorine and the like to destroy bacteria and other pollutants).
Due to its dipolar molecular structure, which is the basis of its crystal organization, water is a liquid recorder of frequencies coming from the substances it comes in contact with. These frequencies are stored within its microstructure. Normal water, even when purified, retains the electromagnetic frequencies of “contaminants”. A simple way to check for water pollution is to check for a drop of water under a microscope. A contaminated water droplet will have a deformed outer membrane and a damaged internal structure.
Frequency analysis is a method already used to determine the condition of our body organs, which can be properly synchronized and treated with frequency therapy. These frequencies have been shown to be best transmitted through water, which is convenient in every organ of the body. It is nothing new to say that water can store information about certain frequencies.
Research has shown that tap water contains virtually no biophotons, which are “tiny bodies of energy” present in every living organism and other natural elements. Biophotons are very weak electromagnetic light waves. All living cells of plants, animals and humans emit biophotons that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but can be measured with special tools. Perfect, harmonious clusters of water allow this energy to be transferred directly to the body’s cells. Biophotons trigger chemical reactions in cells, at the right time and in the right place. They form the so-called aura, a bioenergetic field that surrounds all living organisms, including water, and is always present in the form of a physical body.
Everything in the universe vibrates, waves – even living beings. The ripple of every living being is unique to it, just as everyone’s fingerprint is unique.
Each substance emits its own information, a subtle vibration. Homeopathy works on this basis. It is not possible to prove the substance itself in homeopathic preparations, but the information of the substance works. With special devices…
… With special devices, very subtle vibrations of substances can be captured, stored and used for their intended purpose. They used to be stored in water, but for a long time they have been using quartz sand, silicon oxide, which is also the basis of memory technology in computing.
Information can be “imprinted” into different materials: glass, metal, plastic…. For more than half a century, however, information can also be turned into numbers. There are a number of books where numbers with known, desired effects are collected. Among the most recent is a book by Russian academician Grigory Grabovoi.
With the Poznik coding method, it is possible to capture these vibrations, convert them into different codes and, with the help of orgone radiators, convert these codes into energy springs.
As explained by dr. physics Yuri Yatsko, “everything carries a certain vibration. Vibrations can be recorded and transferred to another object.” Already in the last century, they developed a technology that allows this – an orgone cannon.
An orgone cannon is a device that works by concentrating orgone energy. Orgone energy is a term for life energy, e.g. in eastern cultures, they use terms such as mana, prana, chi, which … The author of the original device is dr. Wilchelm Reich. In the Poznik laboratory, this device was further upgraded on the basis of many years of research and testing. With an orgone cannon or radiator, the relevant information is transferred to the informed chip. In the information process, several thousand to hundreds of thousands of information are transferred. Information consists of a set of universal information and a certain amount of strictly dedicated information. This is information that eliminates the negative effects on the water from the environment such as electromagnetic radiation, the effects of residues of pharmaceutical compounds. The material that stores information on an informed chip is silicon.
Simply put, information has been added to an informed product that has a positive impact on us.
The peculiarity of informing according to the TP Technology procedure is that the operation of the code is not affected by external influences of various negative vibrations, such as. magnetism, electric voltage, etc. A number of tests have been performed in this area and the mentioned disturbances have no effect on the code records, which constantly act on the contents of the bottle and continuously neutralise all negative effects. Even irradiating a bottle with a red laser, which is in the barcode scanner at the checkout, does not spoil the water quality. Code records neutralise the negative impact of the laser, which otherwise greatly reduces the energy value of water and other foods in conventional bottles.
Nature is expressed by numbers. The symmetry of our decimal system is the principle of nature. Mathematics or numbers are the cradle of all creation. Without it, the world cannot move an inch. Every human being, everyone needs mathematics in everyday life. Even animals, plants and insects, they use mathematical arrays in everyday life for survival and existence and are key to achieving balance. All these arrays also appear in space, in galleries, star formations, are present both in nature and in works of art to achieve balance and beauty. Da Vinci’s works such as The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, Vitruvian Man … With the help of these mathematical patterns and symmetries, pyramids and many historical creations are built.
The same mathematical arrays present in nature are used in the code records in Poznik Technology. Records are made up of mathematical strings that contain information through which orgone energy triggers the appropriate vibration to achieve positive change.
– Nikola Tesla
Vili Poznik is an exceptional 88-year-old innovator from Slovenia, who has received numerous international awards for his achievements and innovations, many of which are patented.
He began his work with the development of medical devices, but soon realised that the regeneration and functioning of the human body are also influenced by other external factors that are just as crucial in regeneration as well as for a vital and full life.
Through 40 years of development and research, Vili Poznik has developed a special method that can capture and encode external factors that affect vitality and life energy. Energy codes use information to activate the energy potential available to us.
Poznik (TP) technology extends into the scientific field of physical medicine and information technology, which has its foundations in quantum physics. This field of science is being researched by more and more scientists today, which is why some call it the technology of the third millennium.
With the help of proper use of TP technology, it is possible to select, increase and imprint certain energy information (vibration) in different media. Information is imprinted in numbers, symbols, and colours, where each numeric set contains hundreds of information.
With TP Technology, we can change matter (water, air…) so that it has a positive effect on our well-being, mood and health. By informing, it is possible to neutralise negative impacts from the environment, which – in contrast to measurable chemical pollution – cannot yet be controlled.
Poznik’s inventions were also developed through professional collaboration with major hospitals, clinical centers, universities in Europe, the USA and the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as with renowned scientists of various scientific fields, including university professor dr. Gerald Fischer, university professor dr. Kokoschinegg, university professor dr. Jeglič, university professor dr. Turk, academic university professor dr. Škokljev and many others.
Vili Poznik has created numerous patents and prototypes in the field of medical equipment in his work. He has received more than 90 international recognitions and awards for his work. Among the most recognised are the gold award for protection against EMF radiation – INPEX Pittsburgh (USA), Vitalisation of water in Germany (IENA) and Switzerland (Geneva), and the collection includes about 23 gold, silver and bronze medals.
– Vili Poznik
Poznik technology is a combination of several scientific processes, capable of influencing the networks of joined up molecules in various matter by means of information or code. Through the precise application of TP technology it is possible to select, amplify and imprint specific energy information (vibrations). Information is imprinted in numbers, where each number contains hundreds of sets of information. Information has been accumulated through research over a period of several decades.
TP technology is backed by 40 years of research & innovation and was developed by a team of world class inventors, who received over 90 international awards & recognitions for their exceptional achievements.
TP Technology presents a combination of numerous scientific procedures:
TP technology uses a microcosmic energy symbol–the spring of information–to positively affect the water, in terms of its structure and information properties, and our body, as a result.
The energy symbol derives from a “magic life” protective form, and is enhanced by a precise selection of information (vibrations) in the form of information codes. Moreover, an orgone emitters in a Poznik lab inscribes the energy symbol, in addition to information, with a frequency for stabilization, activation and information transfer by way of emit information.